
SeedI did it again.

I lost all control in the seed aisle at Menards.

I don’t know what caused it – the sunshine, springlike temperatures, the bright orange sale sign – but something snapped.

Jan found me standing in the aisle with a silly grin on my face randomly throwing in seed packets.

A handful of lettuce varieties, several melons, herbs, 3 kinds of winter squash and zucchini  – I was on a roll!

Two different kinds of broccoli – never mind that I haven’t even harvested a broccoli head in the last three years! I’m sure this year I will be able to grow not only the traditional – but a cool Italian variety with spiky heads!

Sunflowers, sweet corn, cauliflower, sweet peppers – you name it – it was probably in my cart.

And it would not have been alone – there were many seeds in my cart.

Sixty-three packets in all. Yes – 63.

So what did my sweet husband say?

Nothing. After all – he had seen this behavior before. 🙂

He simply bought the seeds, took me home, and listened patiently to my grand garden dreams for the year.

Then – two days later – he took me out and showed me where  we could enlarge the garden. 🙂

Is it any wonder that I love this guy?!

I’ve linked this post up with The Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.

10 thoughts on “Seeds

  1. Is it weird that that pile of seed packets makes me feel all giddy??? What a wonderful bounty you’re going to have! 🙂 My garden is just a raised bed, so I’m fairly limited, though we definitely enjoy what I grow. This year, I was able to buy a share of a CSA and we’re really looking forward to having that to supplement/compliment my own harvest.


  2. I do that all the time! I mean, when they are $1-2 each, it’s hard to have judgement! I will tell you that this year I hardly had to buy any seeds because I have so many left over. We’ll see if they work!


  3. Fellow Gardeners totally understand this phenomenon! I mean, those seed packets are so small, they cost so little and they are like CANDY to a gardener! =)


  4. You are lucky to have an understanding husband–they definitely come in handy when it comes to gardening, and garden expansion! I bought a lot of seed, and had seed from last year as well. I’ve started a lot of them, and they are starting to germinate indoors under lights! Next project is to get the garden beds cleaned up!


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