So – How DO You Know When a Watermelon is Ripe?

how do know when a watermelon is ripeWe enjoyed our second – and final – watermelon from the garden last night.

Trust me – I sighed a big sigh of relief when I saw that it was ripe and had not yet gone to sugar!

So how did I know when to pick it?

I followed my friend Martha’s example – I thumped it. 🙂

Now I’ve thumped many a grocery store melon pretending to know what I was doing – in hopes of bringing home a good one. But they all sounded the same.

So when Martha thumped my first melon and proclaimed it done – I thumped it too. Then I thumped this melon that was smaller. I could hear the difference. The ripe melon sounded hollow – or full of water and echo-ey. The non-ripe melon sounded dull and full.

The reason I could never hear the difference in the grocery store melons was because all of those melons were ripe. I was trying to thump them to find a good tasting one – which doesn’t work.

I’ve been thumping this guy for more than a week now – just waiting for that hollow – echo-ey sound.

The stem was still green and attached and the bottom of the melon still looked white – but I heard that echo, so I picked it. Thankfully it was ripe and tasty. The thump test worked again!

So am I now a  “thumping” expert? Not even close!

Right now I’m just wishing for a few more watermelons on my plants so I can practice my newly-discovered knowledge!

Happy thumping!

5 thoughts on “So – How DO You Know When a Watermelon is Ripe?

  1. I have a hard time deciding what melon is ripe. my cousin raises melons and said to look for one with a nice yellow belly. I usually just buy the biggest one and if it is good thats great and if its not ripe I take it back to the store.


  2. Hi Melinda! I imagine every bite of that red, ripe, juicy watermelon was delicious!! We are going to have watermelon tomorrow for lunch–yummy!! I definitely learned something from reading your post. Craig may have to push me out of the fruit aisle as I might be having too much fun checking the ripeness of the fruit–all that thumping!! ;0) We have muskmelon in the garden that should be getting about ready for eating!!


  3. You will have to come teach me the “thump” technique because Gage swears his HUGE watermelon is ready and I think it is not ready. See ….. we need help 🙂



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