Too Many Recipes!

I’ve been collected recipes since my mom first let me start experimenting in the kitchen – many years ago. My first recipe file was a bright orange plastic one – think 1970’s.

At one of my bridal showers a friend gave me a cute wicker recipe file that replaced the orange one in my first kitchen.

That wicker file lasted through 5 babies, a move and more meals than I want to count. In time my recipes outgrew it and I started a second plastic one. One file held main dishes and sides. The other file had cakes, cookies, pies and other desserts.  (Yes – I had an entire file for sweets!)

It was time for a new system.

My inspiration came after a visit to my sister-in-law’s. She had purchased a large card catalog at their local library and was using it o store all of her craft and sewing notions. I loved it! But it had about 36 drawers – roughly 35 more than I needed!

I searched eBay for weeks until I found it –

File– a single card catalog drawer in my price range with enough patina in the wood that it fits right in my decor!

It is the perfect width for 5 x 3 inch recipe cards – and the perfect length for my kitchen counter.

Open File

I was able to empty both recipe files into it – with room to spare.

And if I eventually fill it up – I can just look for another single card catalog file to sit on top or beside it.

Just think of the dessert recipes I could collect then! 🙂

I’ve linked this post up at Works for me Wednesday at We are That Family.

7 thoughts on “Too Many Recipes!

  1. Ooh, nice! I need some way to file/store them, too. Some are chicken-scratch on a random piece of paper. Some are torn out from magazines, or printed from the computer. Some are handwritten notecards, or preprinted ones found, or those cute, folded up recipes you find included with your favorite products. Too much! Argh!


  2. What a fun idea! My recipes are somewhere between a binder and a small recipe box. I’m really digging the binder because everything is oh so catagorized. 🙂


  3. Love the idea… Very creative… And I love the idea that your sister-in-law used for her craft things! Definitely one of those things to keep your eye out for! :o)



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